Thursday, November 24, 2016

What’s the best Thanksgiving side dish?

What’s your go-to on Turkey Day?

All of us here at AZ Desert Swarm would like to wish our Arizona Wildcats fans and readers a Happy Thanksgiving.

But even though it is a holiday, we’re going to embrace debate on what is surely one of the most controversial topics out there...the best Thanksgiving side dish.

So what’s your fave? Let us know below!

Gabe Encinas: Thanksgiving is the day stuffing rises from the ashes. Stuffing is only eaten on Thanksgiving and that is what makes it amazing. Invite me over to your Thanksgiving dinner and I’ll decide which AZDS reader has the best stuffing.

Drake Horner: gotta be the stuffing.

Alec Sills-Trausch: Used to not be a big stuffing fan but now it’s decent. Still not my fave….not really sure if I do have a favorite side. I’m all about the meat and potatoes. But for the sake of this, we’ll go with sweet potato casserole (though I’m not sure the last time my family had it…)

Brandon Combs: Dripping that cranberry sauce. Stuffing’s gross.

James Schlittenhart: Stuffing is the objectively correct answer. If you do not like stuffing, you are wrong and bad and should feel bad.

David Stevenson: Texas pecan pie.

Ryan Kelapire: Stuffing is highly overrated and I don’t feel bad about saying it. The best side dish is...honestly I’m not sure. Thanksgiving food is generally overrated as a whole.

David Potts: As James pointed out, Ryan’s opinions are bad and he should feel bad about those opinions. The answer is clearly stuffing, which should be eaten on a regular basis and not just on Thanksgiving.

Jason Bartel: I’m concerned with how much Ryan is slowly turning into me apparently. I believe Thanksgiving food is overrated, but since we’re here, I feel like I should share that my Grandma really enjoys sauerkraut with her turkey. I’m not going that way, but I’ll just say that mashed potatoes with some nicely steamed corn is hard for me to pass up.

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