Sunday, January 22, 2017

TCU athletic director Chris Del Conte responds to Arizona vacancy

As of this moment, he doesn’t seem interested in returning to Tucson

With the Arizona Wildcats looking for a new athletic director, several names jumped right to the top of potential candidates to replace Greg Byrne.

TCU A.D. Chris Del Conte was one of those names because he once worked at Arizona before becoming a successful A.D. at TCU and Rice.

On Saturday afternoon, he took to Twitter to respond to those speculating about his possible return to Tucson.

Del Conte has been at TCU since October of 2009, and has done great things for that athletic department in his time there. Before that, he was the A.D. at Rice for three and a half years.

Before that, he worked at Arizona from 2000-06 as the senior associate athletics director for external operations and sports programs. This is why he was brought up as a candidate by many, and really should at least still have an eye kept on him as the process plays out.

As I wrote when his name first came up, Arizona would be a pretty lateral move at this point all things considered, so it’s not really surprising to see him share publicly how happy he is in Fort Worth.

Below you can find our profiles and updates on potential candidates to fill Greg Byrne’s shoes at Arizona.

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