Monday, June 2, 2014

Oliver Stone to Tackle an Edward Snowden Movie

oliver stone edward snowden movieWell, I guess this was just a matter of time… But The Guardian UK is reporting that Oliver Stone, the Oscar-winning director of such conspiratorially minded gems as “JFK” and his bafflingly overlooked documentary series “The Untold History of the United States,” is set to bring the story of NSA whistleblower to the big screen in “The Snowden Files,” an adaptation of the book written by Luke Harding.

The thriller will, according to the Guardian’s report, follow Snowden, an NSA contractor who decided to leak thousands of classified documents to a former Guardian columnist in June, 2013, causing the government (and everyone else) to seriously reassess the widespread use of surveillance in the United States and elsewhere. (Snowden is in Russia currently seeking asylum and faces a 30-year prison sentence should he ever re-enter the United States.)

This seems like perfect material for Stone, who has built his career around historical tales that can be gleefully milked for all of their paranoid glory. It doesn’t matter whether or not JFK was killed by a lone gunman or a vast conspiracy that involved the CIA, Cuban separatists and petty Southern gangsters; in Oliver Stone’s universe both “truths” rest side by side and one is always just as entertaining as the other.

It’s been a little while, too, since we’ve been legitimately excited for an Oliver Stone movie. The past few have been duds, including “W.,” which should have been a homerun given the subject matter.

Hopefully this will put him back in his conspiratorial wheelhouse.

Photo credit should read RAFA RIVAS/AFP/Getty Images

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